Signs Of End Stage Liver Disease
Edema and ascites When liver damage progresses to an advanced stage fluid collects in the legs called edema and in the abdomen called ascites. In addition patients with ESLD also often exhibit many of the symptoms of earlier stages of liver disease such as jaundice abdominal swelling and chronic abdominal pain. End Stage Liver Disease Youtube Symptoms include dark-colored urine and decreased urine production nausea vomiting jerking movements and confusion or delirium. Signs of end stage liver disease . Not easy to breathe. The only possible treatment here is to conduct a liver transplant. Nausea lack of appetite diarrhea and fatigue are some of the final symptoms of end-stage liver failure according to the American Liver Foundation. Increased risk of internal bleeding patients may have black stool from internal bleeding or they may vomit blood. This is called ascites. It is considered as a compensated cirrhosis stage with no complications. Stage 1 of cirrhosis. Li...