Trademark And Copyright Difference
It protects the rights of the author or current owner of the work. A patent is granted for new and novel inventions etc. Trademark Copyright Patent Trademark General Knowledge College Degree The term trademark is often used in a general sense to refer to both trademarks and service marks Similar to copyright a person does not need not register a trademark or service mark to receive protection rights but there are certain legal benefits to registering the mark with the USPTO. Trademark and copyright difference . They also make it apparent just how much can fall under each type of intellectual property. Whereas trademark is a tool that is used to protect names and words used by a business to let consumers know the source of. Trademarks are used to protect distinctive brand marks like brand name symbol or logo of a company. If you are setting up a fried chicken joint you cant name it Kentucky Fried Chicken because that name is already a registered trademark. Copyrights are re...