Dementia And Eating Too Much
It is important to understand each to act accordingly. Eating too much sugar could increase the risk of Alzheimers. Eating Too Much Spicy Food May Increase Dementia Risk Study Health The Jakarta Post Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important for a persons. Dementia and eating too much . Have difficulty recognising food items. A total of 350 cases of dementia linked to eating habits and in particular to glycemic load a foods ability to raise blood. Or they may be unsure what to do with the food. She used to eat a few pieces of dark chocolate a day. They may communicate their needs through their behaviour. The person with dementia may not eat because food may not smell or taste as good as it once did. For example they may refuse to eat or hold food in their mouth. It is not understood why. Learn more about how to manage these cravings to help keep your loved one healthy. There are times when a person with dementia may eat more than normal. Badly fitte...